Bike / Bike Packing / Featured · September 18, 2022

Rolle to Lausanne

This post is part of the ‘Cycling Lake Geneva Series’ – a 5 day epic journey following Route 46 Cycle Route in Switzerland.

Distance: 28km

Elevation: 160m

Time: 1-2hours

Setting off from Rolle

Setting off from Rolle on route 46 towards Lausanne, we are in for a few hours of cycling along the lake and through some beautiful countryside.

A great place to start the day

Soon, Route 46 turns off to the right and we are heading down side roads along the edge of the lake down Route de la Plage, this avoids some of the busy traffic on Route de la Swisse.

On Route De La Swisse

Back roads on Route De La Plage

Arriving in Saint Prix and onto Morges

After our countryside detour to avoid the traffic, we are back on the main route to Lausanne, with comfortable wide cycle lanes all the way through Saint Prix and into Morges.

Riding through the delightful streets of Morges

Morges marks the 50% mark way through today’s ride, our next section follows the path off the main road and along some beautiful paths right next to the edge of Lake Geneva.

Préverenges and onto Lausanne

Préverenges is one of those places you cycle through and think ‘what an idyllic place to live’.

The beach along the lake in Preverenges

From here, you continue on the path over bridges and through woodlands.

The road into Lausanne

Lausanne is a large city, so it’s worth avoiding getting stuck in the inner-city traffic on the way in. Thankfully the route leads you into the beautiful park which hugs the lake side from the east side to the west of the city. Here you cycle along beautiful paths through tree lined avenues.

Staying in Lausanne

In Lausanne I stayed at Camping Vidy, on the west of the city in the park right on the shore. The campsite is vast and has lots of big pitches for tents so you have space to spread out. The site also has a great restaurant and very clean (but basic) facilities.

Exploring Lausanne

We kept today’s ride short and simple to allow time for exploring Lausanne, a great city of culture and food. If you leave Rolle in the early morning, you can check in and set up your tent before mid-day, allowing time to explore Lausanne and the park. Staying at the camp site you also get a free travel pass for unlimited travel on the metro, buses, etc all around Lausanne.

Next stop – Villeneuve

In our next post, we cover the journey from Lausanne to Villeneuve, including riding along one of the most beautiful roads in Europe – Ru De La Corniche.